Table of Content
- The 6 Best Ways to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally — And Keep Them Away
- Set Out Ready-Made Cockroach Traps
- What Attracts Roaches to My Home?
- How Can I Keep Sewer Roaches From Coming In Through the Drains?
- Bleach Can Kill Roaches
- Listerine Spray
- Seal up Holes and Cracks
- Quick Ways To Eliminate Roaches Instantly
Roaches will leave your home in no time using this method. Share the remedies and let your loved ones know that you don’t need to call up a professional every time you notice a cockroach in your home! You can kill and completely eradicate these bugs easily using these remedies. This spray will kill the cockroaches hiding in dark damp spots of your kitchen with ease. The stench of the cucumber peels, when placed in an aluminium can, can suffocate and kill cockroaches. Silica aerogel is a desiccant that speeds up water loss and induces dehydration.
When you spray the solution in the kitchen cabinets, hold your breath and spray quickly or consider buying a respirator for application. Yes, the over the counter baits and sprays will kill cockroaches. It's important to treat the nest as well as killing roaches on site. Make a light solution of soap and water that is thin enough to spray through a spray bottle. A clean house is key to keeping cockroaches away, and the first place to start is the kitchen. Wash your dishes and put food away promptly after meals.
The 6 Best Ways to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally — And Keep Them Away
These cockroaches tend to create a strong smell and tend to be the dirtiest species. They are located throughout the United States in kitchens and bathrooms. Many times these cockroaches are to blame for illness and allergic reactions of people. Some varieties of roaches have wings but aren’t very good at flying. Some cockroaches can spread diseases because they spend time near waste deposits.

While they generally do not cause harm to people, silverfish are not the kind of pest you’d want... Follow up by pouring half a cup of vinegar immediately after and covering the drain for about 5 minutes. Finally, pour a pot full of boiling water down the drain.
Set Out Ready-Made Cockroach Traps
The sugar and cornstarch act as bait, attracting the roaches while the boric acid serves as poison for them, drying out their exoskeletons. This is a very effective method for getting rid of troublesome pests or a serious infestation. The only downside is the large number of dead cockroaches to clean the next morning. Apply the mixture along the baseboards, in cracks, under cabinets, under sinks, and anywhere else that you've seen roaches in your house.
The Advion Gel Bait is an effective bait for those cracks and crevices where cockroaches get in the home. Use this bait around the foundation of your home to get rid of cockroaches. There are many ways to kill cockroaches — sprays, traps, gels, even natural remedies.
What Attracts Roaches to My Home?
Cockroaches like to hide in small openings that are only 1 or 2 millimeters wider than they are. You can find them at the top of cabinets, behind shelfs, in small openings around baseboards, and behind appliances. This is part of why they're a pain to get rid of; it can be hard to find where the cockroach's nest is. Boric acid is not highly toxic to humans and pets, but is for external use only, so place it where only the bugs can get it.
The strong scent of mint is also effective against roaches. These insects hate mint as it irritates their sense of smell. Alternatively, you can place some cedar chips on areas where you often see roaches, such as bathroom cabinets, under the sink, and inside the kitchen. Strain and let the solution cool down before pouring into a spray bottle. Alternatively, you can add a thin layer of neem powder around cracks, crevices, holes and other affected areas to keep insects away.
How Can I Keep Sewer Roaches From Coming In Through the Drains?
Roaches also have basic needs like humans such as food, shelter, and water. Therefore, you do not let food be available to them by storing food properly and avoiding spills. You have to keep drains clean and fix your leaking pipes. In addition, you should also keep your home clean, warm moist dirty places, and free of clutter because such places often become the shelter of cockroaches.
Citrus is a tasty treat for humans, but it’s a repellent to cockroaches. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the water you use to mop your floors. The scent won’t be detectable to people, but it will send roaches packing. To use boric acid to get rid of roaches, sprinkle a light dusting onto a paper plate. Put an orange peel or spoonful of peanut butter in the middle of the plate and place the whole thing anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity. There are many methods that have been tried, but here are ways on how to kill roaches fast and naturally.
According to researchers, cockroaches had been walking the Earth since the age of dinosaurs. Some of the fossils even indicate their existence even before the Jurassic Era! As disgusting as these pests are, they can survive without food for up to a month and without its head for up to a week! Not only can they fly but also move at a speed of 3 miles per hour.

Unfortunately, they’re common pests, and they can be difficult to get rid of. If you have roaches in your home or apartment in areas such as kitchen cabinets, the attic, or in your bathroom, it’s important to get rid of them fast. Once you’ve taken the time to get rid of an infestation, it is important to learn how to kill roaches for good.
It dehydrates these pests and leads them to their demise by damaging their digestive system. It should be as close to the nest as possible, so that as many roaches as possible will eat it and take it back to the nest. Depending on the temperature and their size, they can live for a month without any food, but no more than a week without water. Once their water source have been eliminated, they will be much more interested in eating gel-based baits you set out.

Some people believe cucumbers repel roaches, but several sources debunked it. Likewise, citrus liquids and herbs, including essential oils and rinds, don’t keep cockroaches at bay. Your house might smell nice, but lemon oil or orange peels don’t deter roaches. If you know where the cockroaches hide and can reach them with a spray, then you may benefit from this solution. Mix three parts fabric softener into a spray bottle of water and spray the area.
Place the essential oil-soaked balls in areas around the home where the cockroaches are hiding. Or, you can also make this essential oil spray cockroach repellent. Add this mixture to a spray bottle and spray areas where you have seen evidence of roaches; also can be sprayed directly on the roaches. The essential oils present in the mouthwash is what actually kills the roaches, so any brand of mouthwash with essential oils will do.

Sprinkle about a cup of boric acid around the places where you’ve noticed cockroaches. Another way is to sprinkle neem powder along places where you have noticed cockroaches. Do this at night and repeat the process for as long as required.
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